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The Sporting of Xixón sells wine from La Mancha

The football team of the most cidery city in the world adds wine from La Mancha in its list of “quality products”.

THE CIDER.- The fact that Xixón is the most cidery town in the world for cider consumptiomn rate (65 liters per person and year) and for activities related with cider (First Cider of the Year, Sidracrucis, Xixón of Cider, SISGA, Cider Party…) and for production, seems to be not important for the football club of that town. At least attending to this new expression of cosmoredneckism when they use wine from La Mancha as identitary product of quality, to be sold at the official shops of the Sporting.

Once again as it seems, the fact of being a team from Xixón and therefore Asturian, is only useful to pretend goals and ask for support but not while acting in consequence… and maybe for those who may think cider is not enough good for them, isn’t there any Cangas wine?

This cosmoredneckism and the dishonesty while claiming the Asturian feeling, are a great bump for this country and explains many things happening now. And then we complain.

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