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Cider Museum, the comedy goes on

The councilwoman of Rural Development eludes her responsibility and speaks about maintaining the Museum without giving funds.

THE CIDER.- The style proper of the “Principality” appears again. The answer of the councilwoman of Rural Development and Natural Resources, María Jesús Álvarez, is an example of saying nothing, explaining nothing and doing nothing.

The question was made by the deputy of the PP Pedro Rueda, stating the need of a solution for the musem, which “no one knows where it goes”. Mª Jesús Álvarez answered that the “Principality” works with the objective of assuring the maintenance of the Cider Museum of Nava and adscribes the crisis to the economic difficulties that made the number of visits to decrease and that the solution does not go through giving more funds.

Of the breach of the economic agreement of the “Principality” towards the Cider Museum and its responsibility of its management  as well as the lack of a clear policy or any medium or lange-term plan, nor anything. Good words though, “we are all in the side of maintaining the museum”, but without any content or even less self-criticism.

“Principality” 100 %.

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