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Somarroza presets their new cider with lemon in Novales

It will be held on next Friday, after having presented it at Gourmet’s Hall.

LA SIDRA.- Now the good weather is coming and cider makers release new and fresh projects thinking about summer. One of this examples is Sidra Somarroza from the cider mill of Renedo de Piélagos, which in the last edition of the International Hall of Gala Ciders reached the first prize as Best Sweet Sparkling Cider.

At the beginning of last year they presented two small format bottles: sidruca and sweet sidruca. Those were a bet for innovation in the market and give more option to consumers. “The small bottle is useful because you can go into an establishment and ask for cider without opening a whole bottle” explains the oenologist Cecilia Gómez.

Now they take one step beyond and at Gourmet’s Hall they released their new small bottle: Sidruca with lemon. A very fresh beverage, sweet but not too much, with scent to lemon and a little bit of atertaste remembering that fruit. Very suitable for drinking it fresh or with ice. It was a whole research process by this cider mill to get with this new beverage, which got many compliments during the aforementioned fair.

On next Friday 5th of May they will present this product at Novales area, since this Sidruca is made in collaboration with the association “Solidary lemons”. “It is made with Somarroza cider with an unique touch of today’s consumer, apart of lemon juice from Novales, so we contribute to a solidary cause”, explain from Somarroza. “Solidary lemons” comes for the fight against unemployment in the council of Alfoz de Lloréu, especially the most disadvantaged comunities.

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