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A cider formative degree in progress

The CIFP Hostelry and Tourism of Asturies has been preparing a draft for months about a degree and has the support of the PDO.

LA SIDRA.- On LA SIDRA’s 159th issue that has just been released there was a shocking interview in which it is said that the CIFP of Hostelry and Tourism of Asturies is drafting a project to offer a training specialty in cider. That is, a waiter’s specialist degree in our national drink. One of the people responsible for this draft is Juan Luis García, technical professor of FP in restoration services and head of studies of the cited center. He says that in the CIFP there will be two training cycles in the specialty of Services, which are: Medium-level Training Cycle of Services in Restoration and Training Cycle of Higher Degree of Service Management in Restoration. In both there is the cafeteria-bar module where all the alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks are studied. And that’s where cider is included.

In addition, added Garcia, we have long been working in the specialty of cider. “We have been editing the draft for two months now. It is a specific degree for Asturies – for the moment – for all those unemployed or who want to learn, to learn cider service. In the draft we speak about – among other things – the apple, the different ciders with the current regulations, service and treatment of natural cider and other types, organoleptic analysis of ciders, tasting guides, we have included a specific module of the PDO and we see what is the legislatio on cider and the brand Sidrerías of Asturies Natural Quality . We will present it to the State Public Employment Service, and if it passes, we will offer it straightaway. “

We then asked him when it could be offered,  the professor replied: “It takes time, but we expect it for the 2017- 218 course. We don’t know it exactly since it does not depend on us since once the project has been presented, it must go through the proper administrations for its handling. It should be noted that in this training specialty or degree, the cider pouring will be important, but also everything else around cider: how it’ss elaborated, how to treat it, the various varieties that exist, tasting …. It is an integral formation. And we are also being supported by the PDO, it is essential to have this support. The Regulatory Admonition sees this training as necessary. “

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