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A “Thermomix” for cider

A company from the USA releases a device to make dicer.

LA SIDRA.- On the last years it became a trend to make our own fermented beverages. It begun with the craft brewing at the end of 2010. There were lots of kits to brew with quite a success since lots of people found it useful to make their own beers at home. It happened the same with cider, especially in English-speaking countries, where cider is also usual although not the same way than in our country.


Now it went one step beyond in the USA. Alchema is a device that claims to be able to make cider much more easier. Like a kitchen robot. The mechanism: you put a container into the machine, add apples, sugar and yeast… and that’s all. At least this is the way it’s being sold. You only have to wait two weeks for it to ferment. First of all it should be made clear that what they call “cider” is a wider concept since they assume cider can be also made from strawberries, cherries or pineapple. Besides, they have the process managed by an app.

It’s true that this is not comparable to the traditional elaboration process of our national beverage. Besides it should be highlighted that cider made at home is in Asturies one of the most important features of the national gastronomy, we just have to take a look at the many contest of this kind lately. However, this is a good sample of how cider is growing worldwide. This is the youtube link for the devide, besides, it just costs 400 €:

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