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Basque cider mimicry

The rereation of Basque cider culture mimics the Asturian one more and more, even exporting it internationally as theirs. Take a look to UNESCO!


Asturian media tend to speak bout the cider world making comparisons with Asturian and Basque cider, most of the times without saying the main difference between them: the presence of a Basque government that defends their own interests compared with a “Principality” that wants to make Asturies just a district of Madrid and despises every Asturian identity.

On the other hand they tend not to mention the great Basque mimicry in the cider field, the lack of their traditional elements and then reinvention of a cultural heritage based on the Asturian one, so sometimes they supplant it without trace of shame as it was proper Basque and not just a copy.


This poster in the article is a good expression of that mimicry and supplant. The Txotx mentioned is a replica of Asturian espicha invented in the 60’s, as well as the cider glass, the way of drinking it in a single gulp, cider pouring (starting when the Festivities Association of Saint peter -Llangréu- made exhibitiones in Donostia in the 60’s). Apart of it the cask appears supported in “peyogos” the Asturian way… actually the way used in Euskal Herria since Basque cider makers purchased them from Asturian cider mills.

So, heritage elements of Asturian cider culture are not only being imited by some Basque people but also internationally exported as of their own… but the responsibility is not only theirs but also of the “Principality”, main enemy of whatever is truly Asturian.

We can’t forget that despite the reiterative adverts of the “Principality” about how Asturian cider culture was going to be declared Intangible World Heritage by the UNESCO, today they did not even present it, while other cultural expressions presented already got that international declaration (Valencia’s fallas). Keep an eye, maybe the Basque present the UNESCO candicacy… with Asturian elements!

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