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Basque ice cider?

The appearance of a label of ice cider sold in Basque Country generates expectations in social networks, since it would be the first ice cider of the State not made in Asturies.

THE CIDER.- “The Gold”, this is the name of the ice cider that has just appeared in the marked sold by the AjdoS Group, located in Erandio. However there is no sign about which cider mill makes it or the place where is been made, so it seems that most likely this is an ice cider sold by this Basque company but made in other cider mill… proably in Asturies. And if we pay attention to the style of the bottle we can even guess which cider mill makes it.

Anyway the truth is that sooner or later there will be ice cider in Basque Country as well as brut ciders or our ciders, and from Asturies we can nothing than congratulate our Basque friends for the development of these new cider varieties, with which we hope to have in coming editions of the SISGA.

Hovewer they have the advance of having they own government while we have a “Principality” that continues to celebrate official avents with “Spanish wine”, but that would be a nother topic.

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