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Cider, healthy for the heart and uric acid

Doctor Jesús Bernardo explains the positive effects of cider on organism

LA SIDRA.- Doctor Jesús Bernardo is the author of the book Cantabric Diet: learning how to eat. On it he explains the foods that compound this diet and the plenty of positive effects to our organism. He has a degree in Nutrition and Dietetic by the Rober Debré Hospital -University of Reims- and also in Sports Nutrition by the Paul Sabatier Hospital of Tolouse –among many other distinctions and degrees: he is member of the Spanish Olympic Nutrition Committee and he is the manager of the Unity of Nutrition and Metabolism of Avilés and Xixón. Bernardo granted LA SIDRA an interview in which he explains the good effects of our traditional beverage in our organism.

This interview can be read fully in our 158 issue both in printed version and online.

To read more: sidra_158

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