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Cider of tastes, an increasing tendence

Each time is more usual the presence of ciders of taste both in Europe as in Latin American, where nowadays is a trend.

THE CIDER.- In the international sector it is very common the cider of tastes like peach, strawberry, cherry… a trend growing in Latin American being seen as a way to end with the seasonality of the consumption, now focused ina 80% in Christmas celebrations.

Nonetheless this tendence goes beyond flavors. Important cider mills as Soamy Cider (Puebla. Mexico), are working in ciders mixed with white wine, red wine and grape concentrate, which means for them a 30 % of the production.

lHowever in Asturies since we are tied under the Spanish regulations, as rigid as abnormal, it is impossible to go this way since products elaborated this way cannot be called cider. This is the case of apple juice, or “sidre’l duernu”, which the regulations avoid to be called cider.

The situation is even more absurd regarding the state market being found European ciders that despite not being able to be labeled as cider in the Spanish regulations, they can be sold as that, due to an absence of proper laws as in Europe. This leads to the loss of million-worthy subsides as well as the maiming of possibilities of the cider sector, making them very different as in the case of Asturies. The submission to Spanish regulations gives way to a situation of disadvantage and negative discrimination for the chances of the sector and make us compete from a worst staring point in the international market.

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