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Cluster Asturies Sustainable Tourism at the Fair of Bioculture of Barcelona

In the stand there is promoted the project Alienda Asturies Countrylife Festival, with experiences of agrotourism and ecogastronomy.

Thw Cluster Asturies Sustainable Touriusm will be present at the Fair of Bioculture to be held in Barcelona on next 5th to 8th of May to give to know the new projects among a public interested in the ecologic and responsible consumption.

This cluster has as aim to promote the development and innovation in the Asturian touristic sector to make it a reference in quality in the ecologic and responsible consumption. Likewise, it tries to enhance the competitivity of the maoin productive sectors to the sustainability of the Asturian rural territory.

One of their main projects is the creation of a “Festival of Rurality, Sustainability and Good living in our country” from the 5th of June -Worlwide environment day-. Its name:Alienda Asturies Countrylife Festival. It will be carried out in different places and will have experiences of agrotourism, ecotourism and ecogastronomy that will allow, according to the organizers, “give to know and empower Asturies from the coast to the sea, from Colombres to Redes, From Somiedu to Borines across the Cider Area, from Xixón and Cabu Peñes until Cangas del Narcea”. Cider of course will be present, with an Asturian cider mill ellaborator of ecologic cider to participate showing that his cider is the “bio” and ecologic beverage by excellence.

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