From the 6th to 16th of october 44 Asturian cider mills will put together with 45 cider bars from Xixón to let us enjoy the best cider and gastronomy.
THE CIDER.- Following the original diea each cider bar offers cider from a hosted cider mill and a casserole of their won at a very suitable price: 2,7 € per bottle, 3,7 with casserole and 4,7 € with the big casserole.
All can be tracked on th cider map of the participant cider bars where they dispaly all the participant cider bars, their cider and their casseroles.
Apart of it there will be as a gift the commemorative handkerchief of Xixón of Cider 2016 that would grant access to the bus that offers a route along the cider bars to enjoy cider.
Participating cider bars:
Alberto Avenida Bobes Bodegas Anchon Cabranes Casa Cesar Casa Corujo Casa Fede Casa Fernando Chaflan Cheff Fidel Coto Cristina El alleranu de Fito El andariegu El buen yantar El centenario El cuetu El Llabiegu El Mariñán de Begoña El otru mallu El requexu El Sauco El Tajamar El Traviesu Guaniquei La Caleya La casona de Jovellanos La chicuelina La Esquina La Fueya de Tomás La Pámpana La Pumarada Restaurante Llagar de Begoña Los Pomares Meson el museo Nava Nueva ibérica Parrilla Antonio I Parrilla Ramón Restaurante Asturiano La Galana Restaurante El Llavianu Río Astur Rubiera Sobiñagu Uría
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