Inicio > EN > The Great Parade of the Celtic Nations, the icon of An Oriant

The Great Parade of the Celtic Nations, the icon of An Oriant

Today took place the most representative of the events inside the Interceltic Festival of Lorient among all compouning this great set of concerts, shows of traditional culture and many more.


LA SIDRA.- The bagpipe bands from Australia were truly impressive followed by the Irish, Scottish, Asturian and the many breton “bagads”. These last ones were sponsored by Breton cider labels that also support the bagads contest and some cornamuse or Breton bagpipe chanpionships.


A nice display of cultural variety from the celtic nations, each ones with their own recognized icons and each of them with a thousand things in common that settle the deep internationalist feeling and unity of the peoples. A proof of it are the more than 70 different musical groups that marched today alongside each other in the parade.

SEE PHOTOGRAPHSLA SIDRA.- The bagpipe bands from Australia were truly impressive followed by the Irish, Scottish, Asturian and the many breton “bagads”. These last ones were sponsored by Breton cider labels that also support the bagads contest and some cornamuse or Breton bagpipe chanpionships.
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