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13 Reyes reconquers Lorient

The Pipe Band La Laguna del Torollu and the Symphony Orchestra of the Ateneo Musical de Mieres close part of the FIL programme with great success.

The Pipe Band La Laguna del Torollu and the Symphony Orchestra of the Ateneo Musical de Mieres, conducted by Iñaki Sánchez Santianes, offered the public of Lorient on Saturday 17th a sample of the musical saga 13 Reyes (part I), composed by Yónatan Sánchez Santianes. It is a journey through the kings of the Asturian monarchy from the battle of Covadonga to the integration of the territory into the crown of Castile. It had been previously premiered at the Festival de la Sidra de Nava.

The concert, one of the last dates for the Asturian delegation (which closes tonight with concerts of Baxel at the Place des Pays celtes and Llevólu’l Sumiciu at Le Kleub) was received with great interest by the Breton audience, already familiar with the Asturian musical tradition; however, they had not been able to enjoy this format since the festival performance of Lisardo Lombardía, who had brought the OSPA.

The contrast between traditional instruments and classical music captivated the audience, who were not influenced by the timing. In addition, the interactive approach of the work (asking for the audience’s help in clapping or voice accents), together with the integration of more well-known melodies such as Xuanín de Mieres or the Muñeira de Tormaleo, left the audience with a good feeling, who gave the ensemble a standing ovation at the end of the recital.

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