Born in Xixón, Asturies, in 1973, I studied English Philology at the Universities of Oviedo and Bradford (UK).
I've worked as an English teacher, guide, interpreter and translator.
I'm very keen on cider and good cuisine.
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Did you know them all?LA SIDRA.- The Internet is full of amazing facts about everything., so today let’s have a look at the ones related to apple cider.• On November 18th, 1307 The legendary William Tell shot an apple from his son’s head. November 18th is now National Apple Cider
The CNN reveals what experts say about its use.LA SIDRA.- Apple cider vinegar is one of the most popular natural health products, used by people all around the world. Although some experts may consider them unreal, these are the most common benefits associated to it:Diabetes: the main vinegar component is
Victor Manuel, Lisardo Lombardía and the Asturian Traditional Cooks Club will take up their appointment on 4th November.LA SIDRA.- The Cider Museum in Nava will host the designations of the new honorary members in the Cider Advocates Guild fourth major session, since its foundation in 2013.Victor Manuel will be one
“The culture trip” highlights Tierra Astur, Los Pomares and Valverán Cidermill among the best ones in Spain.LA SIDRA.-The cultural web has decided to explore the cider bars and cidermills in Asturias and it has concluded that these are the most outstanding ones:Tierra Astur. With branches in Xixón, Uviéu, Avilés and
The event turned Xixón into the capital city of cider from 5th to 15th October.LA SIDRA.- Xixón could experience the cider culture for 10 days, in which more than 120,000 bottles and over 10,000 cases were consumed, breaking a new record along this ninth edition.The awards ceremony took place in
Due to its great success, the organizers are thinking about offering a second “ciderbus” next year.LA SIDRA.- Xixón de Sidra ninth edition, which ended up last Sunday, has turned into a new success this year.
Cider featured a major role in the town for 10 days, with public participation numbers beyond
El Gaitero was awarded as best DOP (Certificate of Origin) Cider of Asturias and Hermanos Martínez as best plantation.LA SIDRA.- Born in Pentanes, Bedriñana, Elías Carneado Medio was crowned as “apple master” for the fourth time in the exhibitors contest, thanks to its cider and eating apples.His son, Jose Luis,
It will be on market together with other original products such as Cherry Hera and Quince Hera.LA SIDRA- Faustino Mateo Vázquez, “Tino Panizales” has become a cider reference for his constant innovation since, in 1991, turned his hobbie as a child into professional work.Some examples of his experimentation with new
The ninth edition is proving to be the best in attendance.LA SIDRA.- More than 16,000 green scarfs, 1,000 passengers on the cider bus, over 500 casseroles and 250 cider cases served show the increasing people's interest in this event.It combines cider drinking with the tasting of a genuine dish at
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