On Monday 24th morning, representatives from Cider Cities met with representatives of the Cork Chamber of Commerce (Ireland), to whom they presented a letter of greeting and an invitation from their counterpart in Xixón.LA SIDRA.- The Asturian embassy of Cider Cities, composed of Carme Pérez, Anzu Fernández, and Marcos A.
Jerry Buttimer, Irish Minister for Rural Affairs and Community Development, has shown great interest in the collaboration within the framework of the European Network of Cider Cities and has committed to transfer information to the rest of the Irish government.Members of the board of the European Network of Apple and
In their tour they will speak with the Irish Minister for Rural Affairs and with the President of the Chamber of Commerce, handing them official letters from the corresponding Asturian organizationsMembers of the board of the European Network of Apple and Cider Cities -Cider Cities- among which is the founding
From LA SIDRA Magazine we say goodbye to the CiderCon with a good taste in our mouths and reaffirming the idea that the cider universe brings together the best people in the world.The last day of the CiderCon began with an informal meeting of orchardists from around the world who
The American Cider Association Awards (ACA Awards) recognize the work of individuals and organizations in support of cider throughout the year.The day began early, with Scott Ramsey, Executive Director of the New York Cider Association in discussion with New York Liquor Commissioner Lily Fan, talking about how the work of
The CiderCon, organized by the American Cider Association, gathers cider makers from the American continent and the world in one of the most important world conferences for cider professionalsExams to achieve the title of pommelier, workshops, social gatherings and a cider tasting of more than fifty cider makers focused the
From February 4 to 7, CiderCon brings together cider lovers from all over the world in Chicago.LA SIDRA.- This February the city of Chicago hosts one of the most important world conferences for cider professionals, a unique opportunity to learn, share and make contacts in the international cider environment.At CiderCon,
If there is a surprising cider among all those presented this year at the International Hall of Gala CIDER (SISGA), it is this one, SK 4:20, born from the union of cider and cannabis, ideal for enjoying in a relaxed mannerLA SIDRA.- SK 4:20 arises from a collaboration between Kuartango,
It's been just over a month since the 14th International Gala Sidres Fair ended, and steps are already being taken for the international presentation of SISGA'25 LA SIDRA.- Ireland, Japan, Italy, France, Czechia... SISGA has begun to prepare the international presentation of what will be its fifteenth edition, and for this
Although this favourable technical report is great news, Luis Benito García, director of the Cider Chair at the University of Oviedo, promoter of the candidacy presented to UNESCO, calls for caution in the face of triumphalist headlines taking for granted the declaration of Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity for the
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