LA SIDRA magazine travels through the hands of Manuel Busto to the cider barsLa Cantina, La Ruta, El Corchu and Yumay, grouped around the railway station of Villalegre.THE CIDER.- It is called "llinderu" to that which borders on something. In this case, the space that is between the old road from
This cider bar from Xixón run by Sole Menéndez and Fito Canales, celebrated its third anniversary on March 14, accompanied by its loyal customets and entertaining attendees with a wide variety of cold and hot snacks, washed down with the best cider, Menéndez and Val d'Ornón.LA SIDRA.- El Alleranu de
From the Department of Training and Employment will be organized again a cider pouring course aimed primarily at unemployed people and also registered in the Council.LA SIDRA.- The course, which will be free and will take place at the Llagar de Sorribes, will start on Wednesday, April 25, ending on
The company moved, at the end of the year, to its new facilities located in Aramil (Sieru), more spacious and modern, allowing them to better organize their different sections.LA SIDRA.- COEM, an Asturian company specializing in the world of cider, which has more than 25 years of experience in the
This proposal promoted by cider mills from Siero will be held on April 28 and 29, and aims to enhance quality over quantity.LA SIDRA.- Unlike the usual festivals of cider in which with the purchase of a glass you drink what you want, the proposal of "Espalma la sidra" aims
The new management, in charge of Esteban Perez, from cider bars El Picatueru and La Arcea.LA SIDRA.- Soto del Barco can enjoy Casa Pompo again. This reference cider bar in Aviles was reopened on Tuesday, at 7 p.m.Esteban Perez, Picatueru and La Arcea cider bars’ manager, showed delighted with the
The restaurant has just been opened by the Michelin-awarded cook Jaime Uz.LA SIDRA.- After Arbidel, the Michelin-starred restaurant in Ribadesella, Lena is the new bet by cook Jaime Uz in one of the cider capital towns in Asturias, Villaviciosa.The gastronomic cider bar opened yesterday, after the official opening on Sunday,
The First Cider of the Year is the most important espicha or traditional cider meeting there is, as much for attendance, as for number of participant cider mills , and with which the Asturian cider season is inaugurated.This celebration, declared of social roots by the City Council of Xixón, gives a
It will be held in Xixón at La Montera Picona de Ramón Cider Bar.
LA SIDRA.- Next Saturday 17th of March there will be the 5th edition of the Best First Cider of the Year Contest, with already 45 cider mills, which makes this contest one of the two most important of
Eclipse Cider Bar in Tokyo celebrates an Asturian party to pay tribute to our most international product.LA SIDRA.- Fairs usually end up with a “Spanish wine” as a conclusion. But Foodex 2018, the largest food and drink fair in Asia, has finished with an Asturian party in which cider was
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