Inicio > Cider Mills (Page 24)

Cider culture and future of the Asturian Cider DOP (Certificate of Origin)

The first Cidery Chat CH2 took place in La Montera Picona de Ramón cider bar.LA SIDRA.- Time flew in this first chat in which every speaker gave their point of view for longer than an hour. There were significant statements such as "We must take conscience of being together", "We

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Cider apple takes the lead in the eco-friendly agriculture

According to Carlos Nuño, technical manager in the Eco-friendly Agricultural Production Council of the Principality of Asturias (COPAE), cider apple leads the sector, followed by blueberries.LA SIDRA.- Ecollanera Greenmarket third edition took place yesterday at Cuno Corquera Park, in Posada. 22 producers attended the exhibition, 3 of which came from

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#Composición del Xuráu Internacional de los Premios SISGA’17

A diferencia de otros concursos, los Premios SISGA los concede un jurado internacional compuesto por los propios llagareros participantes, lo cual aparte de ser una garantía de imparcialidad, también permite recoger y respetare las muy diferentes sensibilidades respecto a la sidra que existen en función de la procedencia de la

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