After the success of the Polish cider mill Cydr Szczepanówka, youth sees a valuable option for the future in the cider sector.
One can say that Aleksandra Buła isa the youngest cidermaker in all Poland and in LA SIDRA we are proud to say that her very first success was last
The cider mill from Carreño puts on sale packs of six glasses of cider of different colors for each consumer to identify their own.LA CIDRA.- If a few days ago we announced the initiative of the PDO Sidre de Asturies taking out silk-screened glasses with different colors so that the
The Regulatory Council PDO Sidra de Asturias launches an initiative that allows the consumption of cider to be adapted to the new health emergency situationTHE CIDER.- The Regulatory Council is ahead of the new consumption needs caused by the current health crisis and makes 40,000 glasses of cider available to
Cider bars open!With the start of the "de-escalation" there is already a date for the opening of the cider bars.THE CIDER.- It seemed impossible, but it seems that the time has finally come to reopen the cider bars and start the cider cycle with all the desire in the world.
A few days ago we announced the campaign supporting the home consumption of cider, and now we provide the details of the companies that offer this serviceTHE CIDER.- Sell online or distribution at the door of the house, the cidermakers organize themselves and offer different possibilities so that their cider
The publication has made this decision since the cider bars, the main recipients of the publication, are closed; and also because its distribution is not guaranteed.LA SIDRA magazine announces that the publication of its number 195 is suspended, the one corresponding to the month of March. The reason is that
This cider mill from Xixón offers the possibility of taking your cider directly to the client's home.LA SIDRA.- It is not that getting cider in these times of the coronavirus is difficult, because it is easy to find it in most of the stores and supermarkets, and there are also
In 2019, a little less than 5 million counter labels or back labels were delivered, which means a 27% increase in sales, for this 2020 the PDO aims to reach five and a half million bottles sold.THE CIDER.- The PDO Sidra de Asturies delivered 4,791,000 counter-labels last year. This means
With an expected decrease of up to 20% of the Asturian population in just over 10 years, the potential market for cider will be reduced exponentiallyLA CIDER. - This is what the article published in this month's LA SIDRA magazine is about, the first part of an analysis of the
Release corresponding to the month of December 2019 (No. 192), with an interview with Jorge García, Campoastur, the threat posed by the Asturian demographic debacle for cider, the XIII Photo Contest, harmonization of brut cider, pear tasting, gastronomic specialties for this Christmas, lifelike ciderlovers, gourmet Asturies, cider Agenda, Recommendations ...
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