The ninth edition is proving to be the best in attendance.LA SIDRA.- More than 16,000 green scarfs, 1,000 passengers on the cider bus, over 500 casseroles and 250 cider cases served show the increasing people's interest in this event.It combines cider drinking with the tasting of a genuine dish at
According to the British newspaper The Independent, the Asturian cider takes the fourth position, while Galician cider Maeloc takes the sixth.LA SIDRA.- In Great Britain, cider may not have the global popularity of beer, but it’s still an established part of many drinking cultures beyond rural parts of the country.They
The SISGA/ IHGC' 17 took place during the Gala Dinner in the Somió Park Restaurant, to which a total of 114 people from the sector attended, as well as representatives from institutions and media both national and international.The SISGA'17 were given by an International Jury composed by the cider makers themselves and
A diferencia de otros concursos, los Premios SISGA los concede un jurado internacional compuesto por los propios llagareros participantes, lo cual aparte de ser una garantía de imparcialidad, también permite recoger y respetare las muy diferentes sensibilidades respecto a la sidra que existen en función de la procedencia de la
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