In these times of pandemic we are getting used to gestures to honor all those people who, in one way or another, are on the front line in the fight against the coronavirus, especially health workers and Public Health; But today, from LA SIDRA we also want to pay tribute
The Skate Club Xixón Solimar, which competes with the name of Telecable Xixón, celebrated it with a special batch of Sidra El Carrascu, the PDO of Sidra AcebalLA SIDRA.- Last August 17, at the Río Astur Cider Bar, one of the acts with which the Xixón Solimar Skate Club, today
The main interview in LA SIDRA issue of July is dedicated to Cesáreo Ferreras, one of the protagonists of the latest PDO Sidra de Asturies campaign focused on the fundamental work of apple growers in the cider sector.READ MAGAZINE
Publication corresponding to the month of July 2020 (No. 196) with a main interview with the apple orchard ownerCesáreo Ferreras, article dedicated to the cider heroes, extensive information on the Nava Cider Festival, the Axuntábense by Sicerators, the Cider on the Mother , harmonization of European ciders, the new Exner
Publication corresponding to June 2020 (No. 195) after the three-month interruption due to the coronavirus pandemic. Interview with Yolanda Trabanco, adaptation and promotion of the cider sector to the situation, awards ceremony of the XIII Semeyes Contest, special harmonizations with bottle cider, women on the cider mill, lifelong ciderlover, Axenda
Jugs, zapica, glasses ...The ethnographic capital that old photos represent is still to be exploited, despite the many possibilities it offers. The Asturies XXI Foundation is working on a cider photo library project.THE CIDER.- In the photograph that we attach, the work of Joaquín García Cuesta (1885-1958), made in 1930
New contribution to break the coronavirus chain in cider barsTHE CIDER.- If the coronavirus pandemic makes one thing clear, it is the vitality of the cider world, and its ability to give useful and original responses to the needs that are being generated. In this way, we already spoke on
Successful Casa Cortina method to prevent covid-19 infectionsLA CIDRA.- The originality with which the Asturian cider sector is facing the covid-19 pandemic is enormous, and if a few days ago we were commenting on this website about the original "gabitu" to pour cider, the work of Nisen Díaz, or the
The cider mill from Carreño puts on sale packs of six glasses of cider of different colors for each consumer to identify their own.LA CIDRA.- If a few days ago we announced the initiative of the PDO Sidre de Asturies taking out silk-screened glasses with different colors so that the
The Regulatory Council PDO Sidra de Asturias launches an initiative that allows the consumption of cider to be adapted to the new health emergency situationTHE CIDER.- The Regulatory Council is ahead of the new consumption needs caused by the current health crisis and makes 40,000 glasses of cider available to
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