The health crisis cancels what was to be its twentieth anniversaryTHE CIDER.- The same thing that happened with the First Cider of the Year, the Sidracrucs and many other events of a cider nature, the XX Villa de Navia Cider Festival, originally planned for Friday August 7, will not be
A video by Les Fartures, humorously demanding the opening of the cider houses, goes viral in no time.LA SIDRA.- Les Fartures, the online signature of the legendary David Castañón who encourages us to "know the best places to eat in Asturies and in the world", has just published a sympathetic
With the coronavirus pandemic, there are those who propose ending the tradition of sharing the glass of cider. Why?THE CIDER.- Although the Chinese are not drinking cider, and the people of Madrid have a reputation for not being very sharing or especially cider loving, it seems that the transmission of
A few days ago we announced the campaign supporting the home consumption of cider, and now we provide the details of the companies that offer this serviceTHE CIDER.- Sell online or distribution at the door of the house, the cidermakers organize themselves and offer different possibilities so that their cider
The publication has made this decision since the cider bars, the main recipients of the publication, are closed; and also because its distribution is not guaranteed.LA SIDRA magazine announces that the publication of its number 195 is suspended, the one corresponding to the month of March. The reason is that
It will take place on March 11 at 5:30 p.m. in the exhibition hall of the Athenaeum of La Calzada.THE CIDER.- The Sidrastur Collecting Group will open on March 11 the exhibition: 'The role of cider', which will feature 25 showcases of which seven will be dedicated to the Xixón
Organized by Serida, it will take place next Friday, February 28th.LA SIDRA.- The Regional Service for Agro-Food Research and Development –Serida–, and the Ministry of Rural Development, Agro-livestock and Fisheries of the Principality of Asturias, organize the 'Day of pruning and winter care in apple cider orchards', which It will
The collecting association renews part of its board.THE CIDER.- The Sidrastur Collecting Group has renewed its board of directors. This was decided in an Extraordinary Assembly on February 5 in the meeting room of the Athenaeum of La Calzada of Xixón. The board of directors is as follows: Raúl Moro
In 2019, a little less than 5 million counter labels or back labels were delivered, which means a 27% increase in sales, for this 2020 the PDO aims to reach five and a half million bottles sold.THE CIDER.- The PDO Sidra de Asturies delivered 4,791,000 counter-labels last year. This means
Today at 10:15 p.m. the first edition of this event will be broadcasted entirely on regional television`.
THE CIDER.- The first edition of the World Cupping Championship has been promoted by the Regulatory Council of the PDO Cider of Asturies in collaboration with the Association of Cider Pourers of Asturies. "This
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