Inicio > Culture of the cider (Page 8)

Publication corresponding to the month of July 2019 (Nº 187) with an interview with the cidermakers Francisco Ordóñez, of Viuda de Angelón, information about the XLII Festival of the Cider of Nava, homemade cider, cidermakers since always, Pimiangu, interview with Alberto Ferrao, Gastronomic Asturies, Cidery Agenda, Recommendations ... and much,

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Cider is not street drinking

Different open parties parties are opting for a model of fun where drinks such as cider are preferred to the so-called "white". LA SIDRA.-          We are already immersed in the Asturian prau parties. And although cider has always been a fundamental element in this type of cultural manifestations, it is necessary to recognize that,

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