Inicio > Culture of the cider (Page 9)

For the five million!

The PDO Sidra de Asturies will once again register "a positive growth" assured the Regulating Council in the X Denomination of Origin Hall, a meeting in which Sopeña, Pomarina and the new brut de Muñiz have become institutional ciders of the quality mark LA SIDRA.- Five million bottles with "latte" is

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LA SIDRA of May (Nº. 185)

Publication corresponding to the month of May 2019 with the main interview with llagareru Julián Castañón, abundant information about the Gasba preba, the cider party in La Felguera and L'Entregu, the cider spring in Mieres, gastronomic Asturies, Cider Agenda, Recommendations ... and much, much more information about cider along 148

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