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Registrations opened for the 2018 Sidracrucis!

The Primer Sidre L’Añu is an event organised by the Fundación Asturies XXI in the Muséu del Pueblu d’Asturies in Xixón which allows cider lovers to taste the first crops of the year. As part of this 4-day fair, the 15th edition of the Sidracrucis (in reference to the processions which

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Asturian ciders at the Chicago Cider Summit

The event was held on Saturday with the presentation of ciders from all over the world. LA SIDRA.- The Jam, a morning show in the independent television station WCIU in Chicago, has interviewed Brian Rutzen, the Northman’s cider director to talk about the Chicago Cider Summit. Asked about the type of beverage

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