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LA SIDRA of April (N. 240)

Release corresponding to the month of April 2024 (N 240) with all the cider information of the month regarding: Asturian-style japanese cider, interview with the musician and writer Carlos Rubiera, wide covering of the XIV First Cider of the Year, Axuntábense by the Sicerators, news on UNESCO, news on Casa

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XIII SISGA press dossier

The impressive success of the International Hall of Gala Ciders had a very important impact on the media and social networks LA SIDRA.- As expected, the success of the XIII SISGA was - and continues to be - also reflected in the media and social networks around the world, and the

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The XIII International Hall of Gala Ciders will feature 287 varieties of cider from 92 cider mills from four continents

“Each cidermaker who comes becomes a publicist for Asturies and our cider” The Casa Paquet, Tourism Headquarters of the Xixón City Council, was the setting where the presentation of this international cider event took place, which with this thirteenth edition reached a participation record, with 92 cider mills presenting 287 varieties

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