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The 11th International Hall of Gala Ciders has been announced

Organized by the Asturies XXI Foundation, it will be held in Xixón from September 30th to October 3rd. LA SIDRA.- The eleventh edition of the IHGC/ SISGA –International Hall of Gala Ciders-,  will take place in Xixón from September 30 to October 3, and will have a more technical and professional nature

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LA SIDRA 200 (December ’20)

Publication corresponding to the month of December 2020 (No. 200) with main interview with Alberto Rodríguez, the 10th International Hall of Gala Ciders, the aluminum can in the cider, the Czech Cider Talk, have a cider glass, dinners for these parties, cidery world ... and much, much more cider information

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LA SIDRA of October 2020 (Nb. 199)

Publication corresponding to the month of October 2020 (Nb. 199) with main interview with SERIDA researcher Marcos Miñarro, the X SISGA, proposal of cider and plate per Cimavilla, the “step forward” La Montera Picona de Ramón, have a cider glass, women of the cider mill, lifelong ciderlover, cidery word... and

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LA SIDRA 198 (September’20)

Release corresponding to the month of September 2020 (No. 198) with the main interview with the president of OTEA Álvarez Almeida, the XXIX Cider Festival of Xixón, the Val de Boides success in Villaviciosa, the announcement of the X SISGA, the tasting at Endovelico Cider Bar of Porto, women of

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LA SIDRA N.195 (June ’20)

Publication corresponding to June 2020 (No. 195) after the three-month interruption due to the coronavirus pandemic. Interview with Yolanda Trabanco, adaptation and promotion of the cider sector to the situation, awards ceremony of the XIII Semeyes Contest, special harmonizations with bottle cider, women on the cider mill, lifelong ciderlover, Axenda

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