Publication corresponding to June 2020 (No. 195) after the three-month interruption due to the coronavirus pandemic. Interview with Yolanda Trabanco, adaptation and promotion of the cider sector to the situation, awards ceremony of the XIII Semeyes Contest, special harmonizations with bottle cider, women on the cider mill, lifelong ciderlover, Axenda
The Uviéu citizen Jesús Fernández won the contest with "Unidos en la Distancia", a poster that frames the Asturian drink with the current health situationLA SIDRA.- From the total of 64 works presented, the jury of the poster contest for the XLIII edition of the Nava Cider Festival, which takes
After the success of the Polish cider mill Cydr Szczepanówka, youth sees a valuable option for the future in the cider sector.
One can say that Aleksandra Buła isa the youngest cidermaker in all Poland and in LA SIDRA we are proud to say that her very first success was last
The health crisis cancels what was to be its twentieth anniversaryTHE CIDER.- The same thing that happened with the First Cider of the Year, the Sidracrucs and many other events of a cider nature, the XX Villa de Navia Cider Festival, originally planned for Friday August 7, will not be
The publication has made this decision since the cider bars, the main recipients of the publication, are closed; and also because its distribution is not guaranteed.LA SIDRA magazine announces that the publication of its number 195 is suspended, the one corresponding to the month of March. The reason is that
The association, with around 40 members, held one of its most traditional festivals; they enjoyed Central European cuisine and provided ciderSan Nicolás accompanied by an angel and a mischievous imp traveled to the Public School of La Foz de Morcín to celebrate - in a somewhat advanced way - his
Release corresponding to the month of December 2019 (No. 192), with an interview with Jorge García, Campoastur, the threat posed by the Asturian demographic debacle for cider, the XIII Photo Contest, harmonization of brut cider, pear tasting, gastronomic specialties for this Christmas, lifelike ciderlovers, gourmet Asturies, cider Agenda, Recommendations ...
As in the previous edition of the paper magazine, which is on the way out, we propose different dishes that combine with sparkling drinks* Photo: David Aguilar SánchezTHE CIDER.- They are dry, elegant, ideal to enjoy at this time as they are a product that increasingly reaches higher levels of
For these Christmas holidays, LA CIDRA recommends you the best ciders to celebrate, the winners of SISGA'19, which you can find in our online storeTHE CIDER.- There is no excuse for these celebrations, cider is not the protagonist, gala ciders are suitable for any environment and situation, and the best
Publication corresponding to the month of November 2019 (Nb. 191), with an interview with Ángela Baños, Councilor for Tourism of Xixón, cider proposal for this Christmas, special ice cider, prizes of Xixón de Sidre, innovative proposals for the spikes , Long-time cider lovers, Gastroburbujas, Asturies gastronomic, Cider agenda, Recommendations ...
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