As in the previous edition of the paper magazine, which is on the way out, we propose different dishes that combine with sparkling drinks* Photo: David Aguilar SánchezTHE CIDER.- They are dry, elegant, ideal to enjoy at this time as they are a product that increasingly reaches higher levels of
Release corresponding to October 2019 (No. 190) with extensive information of the International Hall of Gala Ciders, Xixón de Sidra, the V Chapter of the Sicerators, the Apple Festival of Villaviciosa, the Mundo Collada Prize, the Lublin cider festival, cider in the Alps, L'Allume, Cider Rock, Sidre d'Escoyeta, Gastronomic Asturies,
The International Hall of Gala Ciders was presented today at the Casa de la Palmera de Xixón. It will be held from September 25 to 29.
One of the most important summits of the world of ciders is to be held from September 25 to 29. A meeting in which more than 50
Release corresponding to the month of September 2019 (No. 189) with abundant information about the next International Hall of Gala Ciders, La Fiesta de la Sidra de Xixón and Villaviciosa, the homemade cider contests of Piloña, Siero y Caudal, Azuqueca de Henares, La Montera Picona, long-time cidermakers, Gastronomic Asturies, San
Publication corresponding to the month of August 2019 (nº 188) with an interview with Jesús Gómez, cidermaker of Sidra Trabanco, information about the next International Hall of Gala Ciders, Homemade Cider Consurso, Las piraguas, lifelike crooks, Sagardo Áraba, Asturies Gastronomic, Cider Agenda, Recommendations ... and much, much more cider information
Publication corresponding to the month of July 2019 (Nº 187) with an interview with the cidermakers Francisco Ordóñez, of Viuda de Angelón, information about the XLII Festival of the Cider of Nava, homemade cider, cidermakers since always, Pimiangu, interview with Alberto Ferrao, Gastronomic Asturies, Cidery Agenda, Recommendations ... and much,
Publication corresponding to the month of October 2018 with abundant information of the VIII International Hall of Gala Ciders, Xixón of Cider, Sicera in Mele Vallée, the championship of Cider Pourers of Asturies, gastronomic Asturies, cidery agenda, Recommendations .... and much, much more cider information.
Entamu / Beginning / Editorial
Asturies gets 18 prizes in the VIII SISGA contest----Asturies won 6 first, 6 seconds and 6 third prizes; In total, more than 100 products from three continents were presented---Today, September 28, the first day of the VIII International Hall of Gala Ciders -SISGA'18- was held at the Castañón cider mill.
Publication corresponding to the month of September of 2018 with previous information of the VIII SISGA, Cider Festival of Xixón, Villaviciosa, the Campomar Fair in Tapia, the ecological cider, the presence of LA SIDRA in Denmark, cider in Madrid, Cider Market, Dish of the month, Gastronomic Asturies, Axenda Sidrera, Cidery
More international cider mills, more space for the Open Tasting and more guided tastings during the 28th to 30th of September during the VIII IHGC/SISGA.Attendees will attend the Congress, in addition to Asturias and Spanish cidermakers, producers from more than 15 countries, including the United States, United Kingdom, Germany or Japan
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