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Tasting and presentation of the SISGA in the Interceltic Festival of Lorient

Yesterday, Monday 6, took place the first of the two presentations that will be made of the VIII International Exhibition of the Ciders of Gala (SISGA) within the programming of the Interceltic Festival of An Oriant (Lorient, Breizh). The chosen environment was the Asturies pavilion, where many visitors could get to

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Presentation of the 8th IHGC/ SISGA in An Oriant

Today will be the presentation of the International Show of the Sidres de Gala at the Interceltic Festival of An Oriant. LA SIDRA.- The Asturian pavilion in An Oriant (Lorient, Brittany) will be the stage where the eighth edition of the SISGA/ International Hall of Gala Ciders (IHGC) will be presented.

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News about the International Hall of Gala Ciders

The VIII International Hall of Gala Ciderswill take place from 28th to 30th of September and will have interesting novelties. LA SIDRA.-When less than two months fro the celebration of the VIII IHGC/SISGA it is already possible to confirm the existence of multiple novelties that will make this edition one of

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The Cider of April (Nº 172)

Publication corresponding to the month of April 2018 with interview to the journalist Susanna Forbes, extensive information of what was the IX PSLA and the XV Sidracrucis, advance of the celebration of the XXI Plates to the Cider in Nava, Cider World '18, Alpsider , Gastronomic Asturies, Cider Agenda, Recommendations,

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Tasting of Asturian ciders in Japan

This month of October took place in Tokyo, Japan, a tasting of Asturian ciders in the Eclipse Cider Bar. After the success of the last edition of the VII SISGA and the good Japanese representation in this international event, it was the turn of Asturies to visit Japan. [ngg_images source="galleries" container_ids="9" display_type="photocrati-nextgen_basic_slideshow"

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#LA SIDRA of October (Nb. 166)

LA SIDRA.- Release corresponding to October of 2017 with a wide reportage about the VII International Hall of Gala Ciders, Xixón of Cider, Villaviciosa's Apple Festival, Mundo Collada Homemade Cides Contest, Sicera 17 at Aosta Valley and much more cider news.   Entamu /Beginning / Editorial

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