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Xixón de Sidra awards the winners of its ninth edition today

Due to its great success, the organizers are thinking about offering a second “ciderbus” next year. LA SIDRA.- Xixón de Sidra ninth edition, which ended up last Sunday, has turned into a new success this year. Cider featured a major role in the town for 10 days, with public participation numbers beyond

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Cider apple takes the lead in the eco-friendly agriculture

According to Carlos Nuño, technical manager in the Eco-friendly Agricultural Production Council of the Principality of Asturias (COPAE), cider apple leads the sector, followed by blueberries. LA SIDRA.- Ecollanera Greenmarket third edition took place yesterday at Cuno Corquera Park, in Posada. 22 producers attended the exhibition, 3 of which came from

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