Publication corresponding to the month of April 2018 with interview to the journalist Susanna Forbes, extensive information of what was the IX PSLA and the XV Sidracrucis, advance of the celebration of the XXI Plates to the Cider in Nava, Cider World '18, Alpsider , Gastronomic Asturies, Cider Agenda, Recommendations,
The traditional cider celebrations in La Güeria Carrocera valley are the most traditional in the country, being held from March to May.THE CIDER. - The espiches or traditional cider meeting are a habitual practice in our country: nevertheless, in this valley they reach a special dimension by the form of
This cider bar returned, after a few months closed, to open its doors on March 16 in a new store in Plaza El Güevu, where it will maintain the essence and good cuisine that earned it the loyalty of its customers.LA SIDRA.- Casa Mery has changed its location, but still
LA SIDRA magazine travels through the hands of Manuel Busto to the cider barsLa Cantina, La Ruta, El Corchu and Yumay, grouped around the railway station of Villalegre.THE CIDER.- It is called "llinderu" to that which borders on something. In this case, the space that is between the old road from
This cider bar from Xixón run by Sole Menéndez and Fito Canales, celebrated its third anniversary on March 14, accompanied by its loyal customets and entertaining attendees with a wide variety of cold and hot snacks, washed down with the best cider, Menéndez and Val d'Ornón.LA SIDRA.- El Alleranu de
The First Cider of the Year is the most important espicha or traditional cider meeting there is, as much for attendance, as for number of participant cider mills , and with which the Asturian cider season is inaugurated.This celebration, declared of social roots by the City Council of Xixón, gives a
The espicha with which the Asturian cider season is inaugurated will be held from March 29th to April 1st at the Muséu del Pueblu d’Asturies, Xixón.LA SIDRA.-This celebration, declared of social roots by the City Council of Xixón, gives a good example of how alive cider culture is in our
45 cidermills participated in its 5th edition, held in La Montera Picona de Ramón cider bar.LA SIDRA.- Riestra has been the winner as the Best First Cider of Year. The second position was for Cabueñes and the third one for Cabañón. Finalists were La Morena and Orizón –tied for fourth
The Primer Sidre L’Añu is an event organised by the Fundación Asturies XXI in the Muséu del Pueblu d’Asturies in Xixón which allows cider lovers to taste the first crops of the year.As part of this 4-day fair, the 15th edition of the Sidracrucis (in reference to the processions which
The restaurant has been presenting the truly Asturian cuisine in the city for more than 30 years.LA SIDRA.- It was 1974 when Vicente Caso, born in Cangas de Onís, after spending six years in Madrid decides to be in charge of the restaurant El Ñeru, awarded with several prizes and
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