Release corresponding to the month of December 2019 (No. 192), with an interview with Jorge García, Campoastur, the threat posed by the Asturian demographic debacle for cider, the XIII Photo Contest, harmonization of brut cider, pear tasting, gastronomic specialties for this Christmas, lifelike ciderlovers, gourmet Asturies, cider Agenda, Recommendations ...
It is prepared and packaged by ASTURSabor following a traditional recipe, without any preservatives and is gluten free; In addition, it should be noted that the meat has the 100% Native Race seal and that the company is protected by the quality brand Food of Natural ParadiseTHE CIDER.- “They are
On last June they organized this new project by Juan Eloy in which it is already noted that he brings 25 years of experience in the sector.Seated in the Avda Schultz of El Llano. Being from Xixón surely you have to go through there at some point, and you will
L'Entregu, in the heart of the El Nalón Basin, is the world capital of Stuffed Onions, a great culinary invention that has its origins in the ingenuity of a local cook, Aniceta Fueyo “La Nina”, that over the years 40 of the twentieth century he devised to give lunch to
For these Christmas holidays, LA CIDRA recommends you the best ciders to celebrate, the winners of SISGA'19, which you can find in our online storeTHE CIDER.- There is no excuse for these celebrations, cider is not the protagonist, gala ciders are suitable for any environment and situation, and the best
About to turn 20, the bar has that flavor of the traditional cider bar of a lifetime. The managers, Adrián Méndez and Jorge del Cueto, make sure that this is how they receive each client and cider lover with a smile, good cider and good food.THE CIDER.- As a specialty
Release corresponding to October 2019 (No. 190) with extensive information of the International Hall of Gala Ciders, Xixón de Sidra, the V Chapter of the Sicerators, the Apple Festival of Villaviciosa, the Mundo Collada Prize, the Lublin cider festival, cider in the Alps, L'Allume, Cider Rock, Sidre d'Escoyeta, Gastronomic Asturies,
Release corresponding to the month of September 2019 (No. 189) with abundant information about the next International Hall of Gala Ciders, La Fiesta de la Sidra de Xixón and Villaviciosa, the homemade cider contests of Piloña, Siero y Caudal, Azuqueca de Henares, La Montera Picona, long-time cidermakers, Gastronomic Asturies, San
The flavor that the embers give is incomparable, the meats are roasted slowly being tender inside, but crispy on the outside. No doubt the fire enhances its flavor making our mouths water. And even more if we share these rich elaborations in company. Whether seafood, fish or meat, grills always
In the Perchera neighborhood, formerly Alto Pumarín, Luis Alberto Turriado has been at the helm of his cider barfor no more than 36 years.LA SIDRA.- Two dining rooms, one at the top, another at the foot of the bar, air-conditioned and with a terrace that makes you find yourself in
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