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Cider masterclass in the Ateneo Obrero in Xixon

Under the name “Asturian cider of cider from Asturias?”, Marcos A. Fernández gave Astura’s monthly lecture. LA SIDRA.- Yesterday, cider featured the talk which took place in the Ateneo Obrero, led by Marcos Abel Fernandez Marques, La Sidra magazine’s publisher and chairman of the Foundation Asturies XXI. After the presentation by Amadeo

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El Gaitero, prizewinner in the Australian Cider Awards

Their Tercio de Sidra was awarded with the bronze medal. LA SIDRA.- Grupo El Gaitero keeps succeeding at national and international level. The last acknowledgement has been received by the Australian Cider Awards contest, in which their Tercio de Sidra has come in third place, as the jury has taken into account

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