Next year Nava will hold its first Homemade Cider Contest, though artisan beer is getting more disciples.LA SIDRA.- 2018 will be the year in which the first homemade cider contest will take place.In the words of its mayor, Juan Cañal, he does not understand why the municipality, with a great
The popular cook in Channel 3 presented yesterday a typical Asturian recipe, in which cider did not go amiss.LA SIDRA.- Karlos Arguiñano, the most famous cook in television, presented yesterday an Asturian recipe, onions stuffed with tuna fish, at the request of a Galician programme fan.After praising the excellence of
Graciano García suggests the creation of the Sweet Cider of Asturias WeekLA SIDRA.- How can we solve the current situation of the apple superharvest?Graciano Garcia, retired director of the Princess of Asturias Foundation, seems to have found the solution: to create the Sweet Cider of Asturias Week. And so he
This month of October took place in Tokyo, Japan, a tasting of Asturian ciders in the Eclipse Cider Bar.After the success of the last edition of the VII SISGA and the good Japanese representation in this international event, it was the turn of Asturies to visit Japan.[ngg_images source="galleries" container_ids="9" display_type="photocrati-nextgen_basic_slideshow"
The students of a school in Luanco learn to make cider.
SIDROCOLESLA SIDRA.- The students of the state school La Vallina kept aside their books for some hours to learn how to press apples along the “amagüestu” held on Thursday, in which there was plenty of sweet cider and chestnuts.Dressed with
Different ways to enjoy ciderLA SIDRA.- We all have tasted bubbly cider, as well as still cider. But carbonation variation is more than just a question of its presence or absence, as it also has to do with fermentation and legal limits.These are the five types you can find in
The VII International Hall of Gala Cider has a wide reportage in this month's LA SIDRA. READ ARTICLEBROWSE PICTURESLA SIDRA.- As it could not be otherwise, the VII IHGC / SISGA is the main protagonist in LA SIDRA October's issue (Nb. 166), appearing in the main page with the title "Historical edition
A new way to discover The City.LA SIDRA.- The firm UK Brewery Tours launches 3-cider-stops walking tours this season.The first tour started yesterday, with all the tickets sold out, and there will be new sessions on 2nd December, 2017 and 13th January, 2018.The participants joined their guide in Bermondsey, London,
During the days 3rd and 4th of November, one more year the InfoNoreña Cultural Association will organize the Apple Smashing and Apple Juice Party from NoreñaLA SIDRA.- On Friday morning the youngest will give the starting signal with the visit of the students of the Escuelina de Noreña starting at
The sessions will be held on 4th November and 6th December in the Feleches Schools.LA SIDRA.- The Apple Friends Club from Siero (C.S.A.M) will hold two sessions on cider and by-products before the end of year.The first one will take place this Saturday, 4th November, from 10.00 a.m. It will
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