LA SIDRA.- Release corresponding to October of 2017 with a wide reportage about the VII International Hall of Gala Ciders, Xixón of Cider, Villaviciosa's Apple Festival, Mundo Collada Homemade Cides Contest, Sicera 17 at Aosta Valley and much more cider news.
Entamu /Beginning / Editorial
The event turned Xixón into the capital city of cider from 5th to 15th October.LA SIDRA.- Xixón could experience the cider culture for 10 days, in which more than 120,000 bottles and over 10,000 cases were consumed, breaking a new record along this ninth edition.The awards ceremony took place in
Eris is a natural beverage elaborated with different varieties of cider in their optimal point of acidity and fermented in chestnut oak.This kind of high quality brut cider due to its low graduation (5,5º) and its fine bubbles, fancies everyone. It has both a fresh taste full of frutal scents.
The event starts today, 12th October, and involves a wide range of activities until Sunday, 15th October.LA SIDRA.-Villaviciosa opens today their XXXI Apple Festival, as they have been doing every two years since 1960. Declared of Regional Tourist Interest, the event was featured in El Gaitero cider house and attended
The winner among 22 contestants will be determined on Thursday.LA SIDRA.- Poreñu, Villaviciosa, held their 2nd Home-made Cider Contest during La Pilarica festivities. 22 cidermakers entered the competition, from which 6 reached the final. During the blind tasting, which attracted a great lot of participants and neighbours, ended in a
The Contest, of Asturian range, takes this name in honor to the deceased enologist Mundo Collada, personage reference in the defense and diffusion of the cider and its culture.LA SIDRA.- This year will be attended by representatives of about thirty municipalities and will be held for the first time within
The SISGA/ IHGC' 17 took place during the Gala Dinner in the Somió Park Restaurant, to which a total of 114 people from the sector attended, as well as representatives from institutions and media both national and international.The SISGA'17 were given by an International Jury composed by the cider makers themselves and
A diferencia de otros concursos, los Premios SISGA los concede un jurado internacional compuesto por los propios llagareros participantes, lo cual aparte de ser una garantía de imparcialidad, también permite recoger y respetare las muy diferentes sensibilidades respecto a la sidra que existen en función de la procedencia de la
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