Publication corresponding to the month of May 2019 with the main interview with llagareru Julián Castañón, abundant information about the Gasba preba, the cider party in La Felguera and L'Entregu, the cider spring in Mieres, gastronomic Asturies, Cider Agenda, Recommendations ... and much, much more information about cider along 148
Emotional tribute, and more than deserved, to the women of the cider of Asturies by the Trabanco cider mill that sets an example in their campaignLA SIDDRA.- It was an emotional tribute to all the mothers of Asturies cider. "Women who have dedicated their whole lives to this world, who
The cider with Denomination of Origin Selected celebrates its first test of the season today Monday April 8th.LA SIDRA.- The producers driving the 'd'Escoyeta' (of Selection in Asturian) brand, elaborated by Sidra Trabanco, Sidra Foncueva and Sidra Muñiz, celebrate their first tasting table on Monday. The lots presented will be
The beginning of the Asturian cider season will take place at the Muséu del Pueblu d'Asturies from April 18 to 21, offering the possibility of tasting the new cider of more than 70 cider mills for only € 6.LA SIDRA.- The First Cider of The Year -PSLA- celebrates its first
El El Duque Cider Mill has bottled this product obtained from the last cut of the cider mill, which has surprised so much that it has already been acquired in its entirety by cider bars of Villaviciosa and Xixón.LA SIDRA .- Estrucipié is the last cut of the cider mill,
Publication corresponding to the month of March 2019 with a main interview with Belisario Suárez, enough information about what will be the next First Cider of the Year and the Sidracrucis'19, Salenor, debate about the future of apple and cider, centenary of Sidra Fran ,gastronomic Asturies ,cidery Agenda , Recommendations
Release corresponding to the month of February 2019 with articles on the ambassadors of Asturian cider culture, FITUR and Madrid Fusion 2019, delivery of prizes of LA SIDRA's Photography Contest, cider bars of Asturias Natural Quality, Advice and food safety against gluten, gastronomic Asturies , Cider Agenda, Recommendations ... and
Álex Sampedro, from the restaurant El Recetario from Xixón, will cook the traditional tapa with Jamón Joselito; and Isaac Loya will give a workshop on fish processing techniques.THE CIDER.- The 5th Joselito International Champion is being searched for the Best Ham Croquette in the World that takes place today at
LA SIDRA magazine goes another consecutive year to the gastronomic summitLA SIDRA.- First day of Madrid Fusión 2019 ... with great absences in terms of representation of Asturies. First, and without a doubt the most missed, the stand of natural cider that in previous editions was installed at the door of
The cider bars and Caña y Come, La Curuxa, Consistorial, Santa Barbara, Solana, Alonso, Rinconin, La Violeta, Esquina19, Barolaya and Cascayu, wanted to with good holidays to their customers through LA SIDRA, and we propose them in an impressive route along cider bars.LA SIDRA.- Mieres is a cider town with
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