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Cheese and Cider Route, one of the charms of Asiegu

The town has been named Exemplary Town of Asturies 2019

LA CIDRA.- Located in Cabrales, Asiegu has been named Exemplary Town of Asturies 2019. It has a population of 98 neighbors who have received the recognition with great joy. Among its qualities, the organizers highlight the model set in motion in the town, which focuses on the use of its natural, historical and cultural resources to boost its economic and social development. In fact, since 1999, the Asiego XXI Cultural Association has been working to recover the sense of community that was being lost in this type of town.

Livestock, grazing and agriculture have been the three aspects in which Asiegu has developed its economy. Hence, cheese making to take advantage of milk surplus has been a recurring activity in the town. Currently, Asiegu has two cheese shops. Both are part of the Cabrales Cheese PDO; and also, as part of its tourist offer, it has the Ruta’l Quesu and the Cider; that year after year delights both Asturians and tourists who come to Cabrlaes to enjoy the most representative products of our land. In addition, the cider they make is called Pamirandi, which obtained in 2016 the recognition of the most handsome Etiquetina, by the Sidrastur collecting club.

It also has an extraordinary place. From its location you can see the high mountain massifs of the Picos de Europa, and in its surroundings are archaeological sites such as the prehistoric cave of Covaciella, World Heritage recognized by Unesco. There are also remains of a defensive construction in the town, known as El Castru, which in the 18th century was already described as Asiegu Castle.

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