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Children’s book ‘The Asturies Cider, a drink very ours’

The Asturies Cider PDO Regulatory Council and the Asturies Cider Chair have presented a children’s book dedicated to the Asturian Cider Culture.

LA SIDRA.- This past Thursday, the book La Sidra de Asturies, a drink very much ours, was presented at the headquarters of the Regulatory Council of the PDO Sidra de Asturies. With texts by David Acera and illustrations by Raquel Lagartos, it is aimed at children with the aim of introducing them to the Asturian Cider Culture, a candidate for Intangible Heritage of Humanity by UNESCO. The work details the production and elaboration methods, the playful and festive traditions, the sustainable nature of the sector and the way in which children participate in our most identifying element.

“This book is a journey through time. The stories serve to connect with the past, with the Asturian cider culture that is still very much alive and that has to be transmitted from generation to generation”, said the author of the story, David Acera.

“The role of the Asturies Cider PDO Regulatory Council is to promote and defend Asturian cider, which is the origin of the Asturian cider culture. Preserving this culture in children is necessary so that they become familiar with our traditions and maintain this heritage”, said the president of the Regulatory Council of the PDO Sidra de Asturies, Guillermo Guisasola.

“This publication of the Asturies Cider Chair is aimed at children with the aim of introducing them to the knowledge of the Asturian cider culture, a Spanish candidate to be recognized as Intangible Cultural Heritage by UNESCO, soon”, added Luis Benito , director of the Asturies Cider Chair at the University of Uviéu.

This digital publication will be uploaded to the web pages of both organizations and will be physically distributed to all schools in the first level of primary school 6-10 years. A version in Asturian has also been published.


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