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Cider from Normandy

The cider from Normandy is the only one, with the one from Brittany, which gets the Protected Geographical Indication. The cider from Pays d’Auge is recognised as Protected Designation of Origin since March, 1996.

Cider production in Normandy

The Norman cider orchard produces each year between 300,000 and 350,000 tons of cider fruits. About 250,000 tons are transformed by the industrials. The other part of the fruits is used for the hand-crafted and farm transformation.

Lower Normandy is the first French region for the production of cider apples. Several areas gather a high number of apple trees, like Pays d’Auge and regions from the Lower-Normandy bocage.

The ciders from Pays d’Auge and Cornouaille are the only ones that are recognised as Protected Designation of Origin.

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Coralie Joffe
I’m Coralie, a French student of 22 years old. I’m doing a Master’s degree in Foreign Languages Applied to Business, Spanish and English. I’m in Gijón to do a 6-month internship in the Fundación Asturies XXI, in communication and events. I love travelling, learning languages, being by the sea, dancing and doing sport :)