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Cider in the Asturian industry

The second series of lectures on “Prospects in the Asturian Industry” was held at the RIDEA (Royal Institute of Asturian Studies) on Tuesday.

LA SIDRA.- On January 30th at 7.30 p.m. a new series of lectures took place to defend the creation of new proposals for cider production and selling.

It featured Jose Cardin Zaldivar, manager in Valle, Ballina y Fernandez S.A. Sidra El Gaitero and Jose Masaveu Herrero, from Masaveu Winery Group, who took a chance on applying innovation to the sector and protect the producer.

Both appealed to the singularity of the Asturian cider culture as a distinctive fact that must contribute to emphasize its differentiation and positioning in the market.

Jose Cardin reviewed the different types of cider and stressed the issue of price in the pouring natural cider. According to Cardin, Asturian people do not value cider, as we do not admit an increase in the bottle price as we do with other products, which would lead to a better quality.

In the words of Masaveu, cider must generate emotions to foster curiosity and for which the consumer is willing to pay. Likewise, he defined his ice cider as a “gourmet” product which can seamlessly compete with the Canadian ones, both in quality and price.

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Born in Xixón, Asturies, in 1973, I studied English Philology at the Universities of Oviedo and Bradford (UK). I've worked as an English teacher, guide, interpreter and translator. I'm very keen on cider and good cuisine. Follow me on the website