The CiderCon, organized by the American Cider Association, gathers cider makers from the American continent and the world in one of the most important world conferences for cider professionals
Exams to achieve the title of pommelier, workshops, social gatherings and a cider tasting of more than fifty cider makers focused the activity of the first day of this event, in which LA SIDRA Magazine is making contacts with cider makers from this side of the sea.
The workshops dealt with important issues such as “The art and science of a balanced cider”, “Federal compliance Bootcamp”, “Digital marketing bootcamp for Cider Brands” or “Key habits for the financial health for Cidreries”, occupying the whole morning in the training of cider professionals.
This was followed by a networking session, in which CiderCon participants rotated among tables according to their interests, origins or jobs, giving them the opportunity to get to know each other. In the afternoon there was a meeting specially designed for LGBTQ2IA people in which, while enjoying some of the best ciders of North America, they insisted on the importance of making everyone feel comfortable and encouraged them to immediately communicate any problems they might have because they belong to this group. The pleasant atmosphere of this meeting was the perfect prelude to the ‘CiderShare’, sponsored by the fruit machinery company Voran, where more than 50 Cider Brands shared their cider and made their brand known.
Apart from receiving the corresponding training and enjoying the magnificent cider atmosphere, we are happy for the amount of people we have been able to contact and encourage to come to visit Asturies, bringing their products to the next edition of SISGA. It is worth mentioning the knowledge that in general the Americans have about Asturian cider, which they call “the oldest cider in the world”, longing to learn more about us, a task that we have gladly collaborated with.