Inicio > International > CiderCon hands out its Pommelier certificates on its last day

CiderCon hands out its Pommelier certificates on its last day

From LA SIDRA Magazine we say goodbye to the CiderCon with a good taste in our mouths and reaffirming the idea that the cider universe brings together the best people in the world.

The last day of the CiderCon began with an informal meeting of orchardists from around the world who took the opportunity to share knowledge and ideas. Then, as every day in this impressive event, the talks and conferences began, simultaneously with the opening of the Trade Show with all the stands of materials and services to make cider, where some authors were present signing their books.

During the lunch, the Pommelier Certificates Ceremony took place. A pommelier is a professional specialized in everything related to apples and beverages made from them, especially cider, and this distinction is awarded by the American Cider Association after the completion of the corresponding courses and exams. The pommelier must have knowledge of tasting, cider making and pairings with it, that is, this title recognizes as a professional cider maker who has it. On this occasion 42 certificates have been delivered to pommeliers from 19 different countries and the next exams to obtain the title have been announced, the nearest one in Germany.

The event closed at 6 p.m. with a community toast of all the participants in the CiderCon, summoning everyone to return next year, this time to Providence, Rod Island, where the next edition of this macro cider event will take place and where we hope that Asturian cider will have more presence.

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