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Success of the Asturian cider in Rotterdam’s International Cider Fair

The Sidre d’Asturies PDO was presented, and the Llagar Viuda d’Angelón was awarded for its cider Prau Monga and the Cider of Pear, in an event in which the best ciders of Europe participated.

LA SIDRA.- This past June 2nd, the International Cider Fair took place in the Dutch city of Rotterdam. As every year this event, the biggest of the Lowlands in terms of cider, hosted the best ciders in Europe, bringing ciders from Holland, England, Ireland, Scotland, Latvia, France, Belgium, Luxembourg, Canada and of course Asturies.

There the cidermakers offered their best products to the Dutch public, already knowledgeable about the ciders of the world thanks to the divulgation work of the cider culture by the organizers and importers Raúl Henriquez and Wouter Bijl. Thanks to them, this event is gaining ground year after year as a reference in international cider events and assiduously collaborate in the International Hall of Gala Ciders (SISGA / IHGC).

It is worth mentioning the great success of the Asturian ciders in this edition, as the  Viuda de Angelón won no less than two prizes, one for his Prau Monga cider and another for his Sidra de Pera, both well deserved and with great competition in both two categories, one of the public and that of the organization.

In addition, a special tasting of PDO ciders was held, in which the ciders Prado and Pedregal (natural), Españar (table cider) and the sparkling Pomarina were offered, which aroused great interest in the Dutch public. This was the first time that this type of cider participates in Holland and could not be expected a better reception, running off two varieties in the first two hours of tasting.

Among the participants were the Dutch Lightship Cider, Doggerland Craft Cider, De Vergeten Appel, Elegast distillery, Bear Cider and Ram Cider. From Canada Bulwark Ciders, from Latvia, Abavas, Finnbarra from Ireland, Vallée de la seiche fro  Brittany, La Galotière from Normandy, Ramborn Cider from Luxembourg, The Hills Cider Company of Australia and the English Hoxton Cidersmiths and Severn Cider. The representation of Asturies was none other than Sidra Viuda de Angelón and ciders with Protected Denominatio of Origin Sidra de Asturies.

In this edition, apart from the tasting open to the public, which took place in the modern Fenix ​​Food Factory, there were also the Oogappelje awards (Apple Of My Eyes) to the best ciders. The winners of this first edition were Ramborn Cider Co (Luxembourg), Abavas vīna darītava (Latvia), Sidra Viuda de Angelón (Asturies) and La Galotière (Normandy). It was precisely the delegation of LA SIDRA, with Anzu Fernándi as representative, responsible for presenting and announcing the winners, due to our work as ambassadors of the cider culture throughout the world.

Once again, the Asturies XXI Foundation takes the Asturian cider culture worldwide and the Asturian cider mills represented abroad exceed expectations and leave the pavilion high internationally.

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