Inicio > Gastronomy > Harmonization with dry, semi and sweet ciders

Harmonization with dry, semi and sweet ciders

In this edition of LA SIDRA magazine 193 we propose eight elaborations and their drinks, two of them below.

 LA SIDRA.- Pickled partridge with canons on crunchy wheat and flax: the pickle, with its original texture and flavor, is a great companion to the new expression ciders. Thanks to this technique we can cook, season, marinate and preserve food; being the hunt, in this case the partridge, an excellent raw material used traditionally prepared with this technique. To harmonize it with the ciders, we propose small bites of this dish using as a base a scolding, typical of Seville or some crunchy wheat and flax, since thanks to its firm texture it perfectly exercises its basic function providing a rich flavor. To decorate we chose canons bathed in extra virgin oil of the picual variety. The ciders we recommend for this dish are 1947 by Viuda de Angelón, Tareco de Casería San Juan de Obispo or Cydr Smykan Grochówka. All of them presented to the last International Salon of Les Sidres de Gala.

Rabbit stew with dried cider: an exquisite recipe for this cold, but with a light meat like rabbit. We need, by the way, a whole one in pieces. We go through a little flour and mark it in a pan with oil. We remove and save. Chop four cloves of garlic very finely and also parsley and then put them to fry in a pot. When golden brown add the rabbit pieces and 250 milliliters of cider. Let the alcohol evaporate and add water – or better a homemade broth – until it covers, cover and let cook for 15 minutes over medium heat. After that time we add a teaspoon of dried oregano and another dried dill. We leave the pot uncovered and cook over low heat until the rabbit is tender and a tasty sauce remains. The other dishes can be found in the magazine 193 on paper or online on this website.

* Picture: David Aguilar Sánchez

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