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Homage to Raúl García Busto

The historic collector of cider labels, recently deceased received a heartfelt tribute organized by his colleagues from Sidrastur, who published a commemorative label for that purpose.

LA SIDRA.- A historical reference in the collection of cider labels, and a person of an impressive human quality, that was Raúl García Busto, recently deceased and honored yesterday by his companions of the cider collecting association, Sidrastur , of which he was one of its founders.

In the tribute, in the form of espicha and made at the headquarters of the  LA SIDRA magazine, not only his colleagues participated but also multiple friends of the same, highlighting the presence of Consuelo Busto and Verísimo Busto (Sidra Mayador), as well as other members of his family.

The different interventions that took place in the tribute were especially emotional, highlighting the camaraderie and bonhomics of it, sharing memories of Raúl.

After the interventions, they gave their children a symbolic memory, with the commemorative label, which they appreciated with heartfelt words.

From LA SIDRA magazine, we actively participate

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Anzu Fernándi
Anzu Fernández is the International Delegate of LA SIDRA and the Asturies XXI Foundation, apart of coordinator of the translations. He is the ambassador of the Asturian cider at the main international cider fairs, and manager of the international delegations of the International Hall of Gala Ciders (IHGC).