Unique in its specialty, the Homemade Made in Wood Cider Contest aims to highlight the traditional production of cider in wooden casks.
LA SIDRA.- The generalization of fiber and stainless steel casks corners step by step the use of wooden casks: pipes, barrels, barriques … that not only are they traditional, but they contribute a specific quality to the cider .
That is why this contest aims to put the value of wood back into the production of homemade cider, and no better framework than the First Cider of the Year for it.
All the Asturian non-professional cidermakers (the current “Principality” and the rest of the historical territories) can participate with cider of the year (that is, made with apple from the 2018 harvest) made -in all or part of the process- in casks of wood.
To participate, you must submit 6 bottles of cider before 13:00 on April 21. In the offices of the Asturies XXI Foundation (Prendes Pando 11 under Xixon), or from Thursday 18 until the deadline of April 21, at Primer Sidre l’Añu (First Cider of the Year, located in Muséu del Pueblu d’Asturies).
The empty bottles will be returned to the cidermaker at the same time to deliver the cider.
There may be more than one cider variety per cider mill.
The jury will consist of 5 people of recognized prestige in the world of cider, by the blind tasting system, will take place in two phases:
Selection of the 7 best
Finals among the selected ones
The determination of the jury will be unappealable.
The following awards are established:
1st Prize. Chestnut wood cider cask of 120 l., Diploma and participation as jury in the edition of the homemade wooden cider contest of 2020.
2nd Prize. Set ofdensimeters, thermometer and diploma.
3rd Prize.- Cider cork bag and diploma.
4th and 5th Prize: Diploma.
Rest of participants; diploma of participation in the contest.
After the decision of the jury, the presented cider will be available to those attending the First Sidre l’Añu.
Participation in the contest implies acceptance of these rules.
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