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Huerces and Canal win at Xixón’s Natural Cider Festival

The first one got the prize of the professional jury, the second that of the public.

LA SIDRA.- “But surely ?!” Andres Canal repeated again and again when he was told by his cidermaker friends that he had returned for the third time in a row to win the Audience Award at the Fiesta de la Sidra Natural de Xixón, which concluded yesterday its XXVII edition. With surprise, he climbed back up the steps of the stage where his recognition and decoration was presented. In that area, located in the main square the cidermakers cheered him and even took him in their shoulders for he does not only makes good cider, but also is a good partner in the profession.

That was about the Audience Award, but equally excited was José Antonio Norniella half an hour earlier when he was awarded the Specialized Jury Prize. “I am very happy, of course, especially by my father who is the promoter of Sidra Hueces,” said the cidermaker and who also takes care of the analytics and cider control of a large part of Asturian cider mills. The last of the acknowledgments of the day fell – that was already known – in Rosabel Berrocal, the person who since 1996 has been responsible for the organization of the party, and that due to his upcoming retirement, the cidermakers wanted to recognize her work. “There is nothing more satisfactory than the people you work with to recognize your work,” said she after getting the ‘Golden Cask 2018’.

Xixón’s Natural Cider Festival was officially closed at 3:00 p.m. Hundreds of people packed for more than three hours both the Plaza del Marqués and the Town Hall, where the 24 participants were installed. “I especially want to thank all the developers that make this great party possible. Also to the people who make such an effort to organize it and that everything goes well “expressed the mayor Carmen Moriyón for this means of communication. Now, to wait for the other great cider event in Xixón: The International Hall of Gala Ciders -SISGA- at the end of September.

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Anzu Fernándi
Anzu Fernández is the International Delegate of LA SIDRA and the Asturies XXI Foundation, apart of coordinator of the translations. He is the ambassador of the Asturian cider at the main international cider fairs, and manager of the international delegations of the International Hall of Gala Ciders (IHGC).