Inicio > Cider Mills > Madeiran cider will be a novelty in this XIII SISGA

Madeiran cider will be a novelty in this XIII SISGA

Although it had already participated in the previous edition, this year the number of participating cider mills has increased considerably.

LA SIDRA.- In this edition of the XIII International Hall of Gala Ciders, the participation of different cider mills from the island of Madeira has been confirmed, such as Basicos & Coisas, Romano, Casa do Caramanchão, and it is expected that during the tasting day open to the public a guided tasting of these ciders is carried out.

Madeiran cider has a long tradition, and in recent times it has been evolving significantly and betting on new consumption niches and its internationalization, convening this year the 1st International Cider Competition.

Once again, the SISGA will offer the possibility of knowing first-hand not only some ciders that are different from the usual ones, but also being able to deal directly with their producers. In the previous edition -XII SISGA- these ciders already surprised by their careful preparation and good final result, drawing attention for their resemblance to Asturian cider, and a discreet ‘tropical’ touch that makes them very special.

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