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New activities for the XIII SISGA

The thirteenth edition of the International Hall of Gala Ciders -IHGC/SISGA- presents important novelties this year.

LA SIDRA.- The International Hall of Gala Ciders -XIII SISGA- goes further to the usual programming of the event adding this year a series of novelties.

· Pre and post congress scheduled activities.  Since there are many SISGA participants who take advantage of their stay in Asturies to get to know our country better -and our cider, of course- the organization will offer an orientation service for them this year, with specific proposals and suggestions such as the route of cheese and cider, cider bars or visits to cider mills and orchards, as well as others based on the interests expressed by the participants in the SISGA.  Ultimately, it is about making your stay in Asturies more complete and profitable.

· Gastronomic experience ‘Taste of cider mill’.  On the night of Thursday, September 28th, SISGA participants will be offered a first-rate gastronomic experience, in which different dishes and cider pairings seek to transport them to the places where the essence of cider is born: the cider mills.

·       Constitution of the European Network of Cider Cities.- On the morning of Friday, September 29th, the signing of the protocol of adhesion to the European Network of Cider Cities will take place, in which different municipal representations: Asturian, Spanish, Portuguese, French, Italian, Czech….

· Presentation of Japanese Cider. On the afternoon of Friday the 29th, a talk/tasting of Japanese cider will take place at Nava’s Cider Museum (Muséu de la Sidre de Nava), given by the participating Japanese cider presses, followed by a guided tour of said museum.

· Espicha in Nava.- A new espicha (traditional Asturian informal meal)within the SISGA schedule, which will take place on this occasion in a local cider press.

·     Tasting Open to the Public.- This year it will be held at the facilities of the Asturies Trade Fair, from 12 to 3 p.m. and from 5 to 8 p.m., and in the same, apart from being able to taste the ciders participating in this XIII SISGA, the product can also be purchased directly from the manufacturers themselves. We encourage cider producers to bring enough cider to sell to the public.


As can be seen, it is a veritable array of novelties, which will probably increase with some others in preparation. Among which undoubtedly stands out for its international projection and its development over time, the creation of the European Network of Cities of Cider, an act that will be presided over by the mayoress of Xixón, Mrs. Carmen Moriyón.


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