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SISGA Awards 2020

The contest consisted of 18 categories, Asturies has won eight ‘Premium’ distinctions and Panizales from Mieres has been the one that has obtained the most awards of this type of the entire contest by obtaining four of them.

LA SIDRA.- Today the awards ceremony for the X International Hall of Gala Ciderso took place. A total of 72 cider mills with 355 ciders from countries such as the United States, France, Luxembourg, Germany, Ireland, the Czech Republic, France, Poland, Latvia, Italy, Portugal, South Africa, Finland, among others.

The ‘Premium’ recognition has been awarded to the cider in each category that obtained the highest score of all of its type. In addition, there have also been three other types of distinctions per category: gold, silver and bronze based on the score achieved.

Each year new varieties of cider are added to the market, in such a way that currently, the SISGA Awards recognizes eighteen categories.

Of these, four Asturian places have won eight ‘Premium’ awards.

Panizales, from Mieres, won the ‘Best sweet still cider’, ‘Best cider vermouth’, ‘Best ice cider’, ‘Best fire cider’ and ‘Best demi-dry glass cider’. The brands of these ciders are: Sía, Viesk, Panizales and Caldea Ice Cider; respectively.

The Exner de Xixón company won the ‘Best semi-dry cider ’ with the Exner craft apple cider brand. El Duque cider mill from Xixón won the ‘Most Original Cider’ with the El Duque Composite brand of vermouth; the Viuda de Angelón cider mill from Nava was the winner of the category of ‘Best pink cider’ with Pomar Rosée, and Casería San Juan del Obispo, from Siero, was the champion in the category ‘Best cider brandy’ with L’Alquitara del Obispo.

The awards were given in a ‘Gala Brunch’ at the El Duque de Xixón Restaurant, in which several ciders presented at the event were harmonized with different gastronomic proposals. Always strictly complying with the sanitary protocol to avoid contagions and also complying with the new measures and precautions.

The international jury for this edition was made up of the president of the tribunal, Manuel G. Busto; the CIFP professor of Hospitality and Tourism of Asturies Juan Luis García; the Basque producer Benito Peciña, from the Kuartango area; and the Portuguese cider importers María José Valente and Jaime Felipe Barros among others. A blind tasting system was followed for the tasting and the scoring was individualized.

Below we list all the national and international producers that won the ‘Premium’ distinction and then only the Asturian places that obtained this recognition.

1 Best dry still cider:

Mr Plūme dzirkstošs from Mr Plūme from Latvia

2 Best demi-dry still cider:

Exner craft apple cider from the company Exner. Xixón, Asturies

3 Best still sweet cider:

Sía by Panizales fromAsturies, Mieres

4 Best brut cider:

Extra dry by Melagodo from Italy

5 Best Demi-Dry Sparkling Cider:

Cider Talk by Provoco semi-sweet by Cider Sekt from Czech Republic

6 Best Sweet Sparkling Cider:

Cider Talk by Provoco bitter-sweet by Cider Sekt from Czech Republic

7 Best dry cider with exogenous carbonic:

Le rafraichissant by Mauret from France.

8 Best semi-dry cider with exogenous carbonic

ExtraBio by Mauret from France

9 Best Sweet Cider with Exogenous Carbonic

Sweet cider by Posma from the Canary Islands

10 Best Flavoured Cider

Elderflower by Mauret from France

11 Most original cider

Composed of vermouth by El Duque from Asturies

12 Best Cider Vermouth

Viesk by Panizales from Asturies, Mieres

13 Best Ice Cider

Panizales ice cider by Panizales from Asturies, Mieres

14 Best Fire Cider

Caldea del llagar Panizales Asturies, Mieres

15 Best Pink Cider

Pomar Rosée by Viuda de Angelón fromAsturies, Nava

16 Best Pear Cider

Cuvée aus weinbirnen by Manufaktur Jörg Geiger from Germany

17 Best Cider or Apple Liquor

Apple liqueur by Manufaktur Jörg Geiger from Germany

18 Best cider brandy

L’Alquitara del Obispo by Casería San Juan del Obispo from Asturies, Siero

Asturian places that obtained ‘Premium’ awards

Best still sweet cider:

Sía by Panizales from Asturies, Mieres

Best cider vermouth

Viesk by Panizales from Asturies, Mieres

Best ice cider

Panizales ice cider by Panizales fromAsturies, Mieres

Best fire cider

Caldea by Panizales from Asturies, Mieres

Best still semi-dry cider:

Exner craft apple cider by Exner from Asturies, Xixón

Most original cider

Composed of vermouth by El Duque fromAsturies, Xixón

Best Rose Cider

Pomar Rosée by Viuda de Angelón from Asturies, Nava

Best cider brandy

L’Alquitara del Obispo by  Casería San Juan del Obispo from Asturies, Siero

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